assignments for how the us acquired each territory


The acquisition of territories by the United States occurred through various means, including purchases, treaties, military conquests, and diplomatic agreements. Here are assignments on how the U.S. acquired some of its territories:

  1. Louisiana Purchase (1803):

    • Assignment: Research and write about the Louisiana Purchase. Include details on why President Thomas Jefferson sought the acquisition, the negotiation process with France (led by Napoleon), the territorial extent, and the impact on the United States.
  2. Annexation of Texas (1845):

    • Assignment: Explore the annexation of Texas into the United States. Discuss the background of Texas independence, the Republic of Texas, and the events leading to annexation, including the political debates surrounding it.
  3. Oregon Territory (1846):

    • Assignment: Investigate the acquisition of the Oregon Territory. Examine the U.S.-British joint occupation, negotiations leading to the Oregon Treaty of 1846, and the terms that defined the border between the U.S. and Canada.
  4. Mexican-American War and Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848):

    • Assignment: Analyze the Mexican-American War and its consequences. Discuss the causes of the war, major battles, and the terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which resulted in the acquisition of significant territories, including California and the Southwest.
  5. Gadsden Purchase (1853):

    • Assignment: Research and report on the Gadsden Purchase. Explore the circumstances that led to the acquisition of additional land from Mexico, the negotiations involved, and the significance of the acquired territory.
  6. Alaska Purchase (1867):

    • Assignment: Investigate the purchase of Alaska from Russia. Examine the motivations behind Secretary of State William Seward's pursuit of Alaska, the negotiations with Russia, and public reactions to the acquisition.
  7. Hawaii Annexation (1898):

    • Assignment: Explore the annexation of Hawaii. Investigate the economic, political, and strategic interests that led to annexation, the role of American settlers in Hawaii, and the events surrounding the annexation in 1898.

These assignments cover key moments in U.S. history related to territorial expansion. Students can delve into primary sources, historical documents, and scholarly articles to provide a comprehensive understanding of each acquisition


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